The Virtual Jewish History Tour
By Ariel Scheib

History of Jewish Community
The Jewish community of Armenia dates back almost 2,000 years. Many historians date the arrival of the first Jewish settlement in Armenia back to the destruction of the
First Temple. During the conquest of King Tigranes II the Great, Tigranes brought with him 10,000 Jewish captives to Armenia when he retreated from Palestine, because of the Roman attack on Armenia (69
B.C.E.). By 360-370
C.E., there was a massive increase in Jewish Hellenistic immigration into Armenia; many Armenian towns became predominately Jewish. During this period, however, the Persian Shapur II began deporting thousands of Jews to
Halakhic studies never prospered in Armenia, although there are a few references to the region in Jewish Hellenistic sources. During Medieval times, most of Armenian Jewry vanished as a distinct entity in the region, although many historians believe they became a part of the Kurdish Jewry. There is an ancient Jewish cemetery located in the region of Vayots Dzor, in the city of Eghegis, south and west of Yerevan. There are more than 40 tombstones dating back to the 13th century, 16 tombstones with
Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions.
Jews from
Poland and Persia first began arriving in Armenia in the early 19th century. Since 1840, Jewish settlers established both
Ashkenazic and
Sephardic communities in Yerevan. Up to 1924, the Sephardic
synagogue, Shiek Mordechai, was a leading institution among the Jewish community.

Ark in Yerevan Synagogue |
During and after
World War II, hundreds of displaced Jews moved to Soviet Armenia. The Jewish population of Armenia grew to approximately 5,000 people. In 1959, the Jewish population peaked in Soviet Armenia at approximately 10,000 people. Another wave of Jewish immigrants arrived in the country between 1965 and 1972, mainly intelligentsia, military, and engineers. These Jews arrived from
Russia and
Ukraine, attracted to the more liberal society. Today, the Jewish community has fewer than 1,000 citizens due to emigration and assimilation. Between 1992 and 1994, more than 6,000 Jews
immigrated to
Israel because of Armenia’s political isolation and economic depression. In 1995, the Chabad House was established in Yerevan. The Chabad House provides free meals, offers classes in Hebrew and Jewish traditions, and cares for the community elderly.
Rabbi Gershom Meir Berstein |
The rate of intermarriage among Jews and Christian Armenians is very high. In an interview, Rabbi Berstein of the Yerevan Chabad described the Jewish community as “‘too small’ to be of great interest to most Jewish organizations.” Almost half of the Jewish population resides in Yerevan. Seven, Yerevan and Vanadzor have active Jewish community centers.
At the start of 2002, Rimma Varzhapetian became the president of the Jewish Community of Armenia. The only
rabbi in Armenia is Rabbi Gershom Meir Berstein of the
Chabad in Yerevan. In 2004, the Jewish community, through the assistance of Chabad, began producing
kosher food. Slowly, the Jewish community is rebuilding itself in Armenia.
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is very active in Armenia assisting the elderly, through the charity Orot Hesed. The JDC works through the Yerevan synagogue to provide finances for food supplies, fuel, and medicine. This program supports nearly 80 people.
The Jewish Community of Armenia (JCA) in Yerevan sponsors many programs for Jews of all ages. Some of these programs include: advanced education classes, a children’s chorus, and outreach work. In late 2002, the JCA published the community’s first newsletter. This publication helps to keep the small community aware of current events and informed of communal information, such as deaths and marriages.
The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) maintains a Sunday school; a Hesed senior center, several youth clubs, and communal activities in Armenia. The Religious Society of Armenia also supports a second Sunday school and a summer camp, both located in Yerevan. Menorah, the Armenia-Israel culture group, conducts many activities in the community. Modern Hebrew has been taught at the state university since 1995.
Yerevan Synagogue |
In 1992, the Jewish Religious Community of Armenia was established in Yerevan. This Chabad organization maintains a rabbi, the third Sunday school in Armenia and a Community Center for programs and gatherings. It also supports a summer camp and charity programs. There are weekly
Shabbat services and
holiday services held at the Yerevan synagogue. Since 1997, the Jewish Religious Community has published the newsletter, Koelet, to help keep the community informed.
There is also a small Jewish community in Sevan that occasionally holds services led by the head rabbi of the Yerevan Synagogue.
Community Relations
The Armenian Jewish community has good relations with their government. Armenian Jewry may worship and practice Jewish traditions freely due to the 1991 Armenian Law on Freedom of Conscience, amended in 1997, of separation of church and state. In 1996, the state registration agency required every communal organization to register with the state. The Jewish Religious Community of Armenia is registered with the Committee on Nationalities.
In 1999, the JCA planted trees in Yerevan in commemoration of the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide Memorial.
A state-sponsored channel broadcasts a weekly television show highlighting Jewish and Israeli culture. The Armenian government has also been cooperating with the Jewish community to retrieve
Torah scrolls confiscated in the past and placed in state collections.
Israel and Armenia have diplomatic relations; however, neither maintains an embassy in the other country. Israel is represented in Armenia by the Israeli ambassador in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Yad Vashem, the
Holocaust Memorial in Israel, has paid tribute to ten Armenians as
“Righteous Among the Nations” for risking their lives during the
Holocaust to rescue Jews. In 1988,
Israel Defense Forces were sent to Armenia after a devastating earthquake. Over the past years, trade between Israel and Armenia has further increased the two nations’ friendship.
Since 1989, 1,246 Jews have immigrated to Israel from Armenia.
Rabbi Gershon Meir Burstein
Jewish Religious Community
23 Nar-Dosa St.
Yerevan, 375018
Tel. 37-571-968
Jewish Community Center Mordechai Navi
Nar-Dosa str. 23
Yerevan, Armenia 375018
Tel.: (3741) 57-19-68; 57-16-77; 52-62-58
Fax: (3741) 55-41-32
Vladimir Kishinevsky
Burial Society
Nar-Dosa str. 23
Yerevan, Armenia 375018
Tel.: (3741) 57-16-77
Fax: (3741) 55-41-32
Rabbi Gersh-Meir Burshtein
Charity Center Orot Hesed
Nar-Dosa str. 23
Yerevan, Armenia 375018
Tel.: (3741) 57-16-77
Fax: (3741) 55-41-32
Leah Premysler
Kolel and Machon
Nar-Dosa str. 23
Yerevan, Armenia 375018
Tel.: (3741) 57-16-77
Fax: (3741) 55-41-32
Rabbi Gersh-Meir Burshtein
Soup Kitchen
Nar-Dosa str. 23
Yerevan, Armenia 375018
Tel.: (3741) 57-16-77
Fax: (3741) 55-41-32
Leah Premysler
Sunday School Tora Ohr
Nar-Dosa str. 23
Yerevan, Armenia 375018
Tel.: (3741) 57-19-68
Fax: (3741) 55-41-32
Vladimir Kishinevsky
Weekly Newspaper Kohelet
Agatangekhosi str. 7-252
Yerevan, Armenia
Tel.: (3741) 55-34-13
Nelly Sorina
Women's Club
Nar-Dosa str. 23
Yerevan, Armenia 375018
Tel.: (3741) 57-16-77
Fax: (3741) 55-41-32
Leah Premysler
Youth Club
Nar-Dosa str. 23
Yerevan, Armenia 375018
Tel.: (3741) 57-16-77
Fax: (3741) 55-41-32
Leah Premysler
Jewish Community Center of Armenia
Mrs. Rimma Varzhapetian
2/1 Griboyedov St., Off. 49
Yerevan, 375051
Tel. 37-236-533, 37-236-528, 37-230-652
Jewish Community of Vanadzor
Tigrana Metza av.79 - 13
Vanadzor, Armenia 377201
Tel.: (374-573) 211-96
Fax: (374-573) 446-63
Ludmila Aivazdzhan
Jewish Community of Sevan
Nairyana str. 67-2
Sevan, Armenia 378610
Tel.: (374-762) 212-61
Abram Korolev
World Jewish Congress
“Hebrew University Expedition Studies Jewish Cemetery in Armenia”
The Jewish Travelers' Resource Guide. Feldheim Publishers. 2001.
Encylopaedia Judaica
The Federation of Jewish Committees of the CIS
“Armenia’s Jews Anxious for Calm”
IAJGS- Cemetery Project
Picture of Yerevan Synagogue courtesy of:
Remaining pictures courtesy of:
Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS and Baltic States